
Showing posts from January, 2018

Room Color and Your Mood It Changes Your Mood

The Psychology of Color The colors of the rooms in your home are a direct reflection of your personality. While most of us may not spend a lot of time thinking about room color, it affects us every day. Room color can influence our moods and our thoughts. Color affects people in many ways, depending on age, gender, ethnic background and climate. Certain colors (or groups of colors) tend to get a similar reaction from most people; the variations come from the shades or tones used. This is why it’s so important to choose colors wisely when it comes to decorating. You don’t have to worry about trends in order to have a beautiful home. Color trends will come and go. The people who live in a home make it beautiful by choosing colors that reflect their preferences and personalities. The trick is to blend the colors you like into a pleasing combination. Choosing color combinations is one of the most intimidating steps for beginners. Color has the power to change

5 Reasons It May Be Time For New Home Siding

         Holes in the Siding Thinking that just a small hole isn’t a problem is the problem. Holes in your siding  allow water, snow and ice to get behind the siding causing a big list of problems including mold. Holes also allow insects and other critters access to your home. Older vinyl can easily be cracked and penetrated, inspect your home visually for any signs of cracks and holes.       Severely Faded Siding Why should color fading be a cause for concern over a home’s siding? Because nothing lasts forever, and that includes siding. All siding has a life expectancy. Most siding will only hold its color for a certain period of time. If the siding has faded, the effectiveness of the water proofing and insulation has faded also. Faded color does not mean that the siding is no longer good but it is a good indication that it may be time to replace. The picture below has some older vinyl and some replaced. You can clearly see the difference.      Cracked or L