Can Termite Damage Be Fixed?

It is rare but possible for some termite species to damage a house beyond repair, if the infestation is left untreated for many years. The most destructive termite in the U.S. is the Formosan termite, a type of subterranean termite found in the southern U.S. and in coastal areas. A large Formosan termite colony can cause significant damage to a house in approximately two years, if it is not controlled.

Fortunately this house was caught in time and we were able to remove the damaged wood and replace with new wood. This was only possible of course after professional exterminators were able to control the termite problem.

Termite Damaged Wood
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With no interuption to the surrounding landscape we were able to replace the damaged wood.

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On the inside we were able to remove the damaged wood back to clean wood and tie in beams to support the above floor.

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Wow? Didn't know we could handle these home problems also? We are not just a roofer, we are a full blow general contractor.


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