How Can I Protect My Property During Renovation Projects?

Renovations can feel a bit like knee surgery: It's going to be really, really nice when it's done and you've recovered, but maybe not so nice when it’s happening. Renovations can be messy and invasive when they’re happening, so it’s important to do a few things to protect your property. With the right planning and investment in protective materials to reduce damage to your space, you can reduce the fuss and mess of renovation.

Minimize Dust Exposure

Do your best to keep both the area to be renovated and the contractor's access in a direct line. If the workers fixing up your space do need to cross a portion of the house you're trying to live in during the renovation, invest in heavy plastic sheeting and create a walkway that you can sweep each night. You might also invest in whisk brooms so workers can clean off their boots before crossing your home, especially if there's a lot of sheetrock or wood dust. If you can't close the door between the area to be renovated and the rest of your house, hang plastic sheeting. Create an overlap of at least two feet where the plastic opens if you need doorway access.

Protect the Ground From Heavy Equipment

Even if you don't need a skid steer or other equipment on your property for your project, workers may need to back trucks up close to the entry to drop off materials. If you've got new grass or sod in place, you'll want to put down a protective barrier of hardwood mats. Hardwood mats don't bend, break, or flex into the ground, providing support for equipment while minimizing the damage done to the ground. If it rains and the folks working on your home have to cross muddy ground, sprinkle a heavy layer of wood chips to reduce the dirt that will cling to their shoes.

Consider Packing Up

No matter how careful the folks working on your home are, dust will probably get everywhere. Consider packing up a lot of your smaller belongings for a few weeks and make sure to cover your larger pieces of furniture. If possible, stay out of the room being renovated, hang a heavy plastic curtain between it and the room beside it, and set up another curtain between this and the next room. With these two dust barriers, you should be able to live fairly mess-free until the renovation is over.

Renovating your house can seem like a hard project at first, but things like these can minimize its impact on your life. Once you take the plunge, renovation can actually be a lot of fun. If you've got a plan worked out and your contractor hired, you can start dreaming of how wonderful your home will be when it's all done!


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